| Core Materials | Scribed Sequels | And a Few Extras | Gerald Jampolsky | Robert Perry | Gary Renard | Tara Singh | Frances Vaughan | Gloria and Kenneth Wapnick | Marianne Williamson |
Core Materials
Course in Miracles (3 Vols in 1); Foundation of Inner Peace; Paperback; $25.00
A Course in Miracles: Combined Volume; Hardcover; $20.97
A Course in Miracles/Text, Workbook for Students, and Manual for Teachers; Hardcover; $40.00
Course In Miracles 3rd Ed; Foundation For Inner Peace; Paperback; 2008; $14.40
A Course In Miracles Urtext Manuscripts Complete Seven Volume Combined Edition; Doug Thompson, Jesus of Nazareth, and Helen Schucman; Paperback; 2008; $47.00
spiritwriting-20">Supplements to a Course in Miracles: Psychotherapy: The Song of Prayer; Paperback; $7.96Choose Once Again: Selections from a Course in Miracles; Foundation; Hardcover (Out of Print)
Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process, & Practice; Helen Schucman; Paperback (Out of Print)
The Gifts of God; Helen Schucman; Hardcover; 2001; $21.00
Journey through the Manual of A Course in Miracles; Kenneth Wapnick; Paperback; 2008; $19.80
Journey through the Workbook of A Course in Miracles; Kenneth Wapnick; Paperback; 2005; $60.00
Readings from a Course in Miracles; William, Dr Thetford (Narrator), Helen Schucman; Audio Cassette; $6.96
"What It Says": From the Preface of "A Course in Miracles"; Kenneth Wapnick; Paperback; 2006; $8.00
Reading from a Course in Miracles (Tape B); Thetford; Hardcover (Out of Print)
Concordance of a Course in Miracles: A Complete Index; Kenneth Wapnick (Editor), Foundation for Inner Peace; Hardcover; 1997; $34.97
Glossary-Index for a Course in Miracles; Kenneth Wapnick; Paperback; 2006; $8.00
Course in Miracles Concordance; Barbara Findeisen; Hardcover (Out of Print)
Scribed Sequels and Miracles Studies Materials
A Course of Love (ACOL); Mari Perron (more)
The Treatises of A Course of Love; Mari Perron
The Dialogues of A Course of Love; Mari Perron
The Given Self; Mari Perron; Paperback; 2009; $10.04
The Way Of Mastery (TWOM); Jon Marc Hammer (more)
The Way Of The Servant; Jon Marc Hammer
Holy Spirit's Interpretation of the New Testament: A Course in Understanding and Acceptance (NTI) from the Foundation for the Holy Spirit
The Disappearance of the Universe; Gary Renard; Paperback; 2005; $11.09
Your Immortal Reality: How to Break the Cycle of Birth and Death; Gary Renard; Paperback; 2007; $10.17
Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life; Gary Renard; Paperback; 2010; (coming soon)
Dialogue on Awakening: Communion With Jesus; Tom Carpenter; Paperback; 1996
The Journey That Never Was: A Guide to Hearing God's Voice Regardless of One's Faith, Religion, or Personal Beliefs; DavidPaul and Candace Doyle; Paperback; 2005
The Voice for Love: Inspired by A Course in Miracles; DavidPaul and Candace Doyle; Paperback; 2006
The Other Voice: A Companion to the Text of 'the Course' Chapters 1-15; Brent A. Haskell; 1998
Journey Beyond Words; Brent A. Haskell; Paperback; 1994
Ours is the Voice for God; John Nagy; Paperback; 2003; $16.95
The Keys of Jeshua; Glenda Green
Love Without End: Jesus Speaks...; Glenda Green
Mirror on Still Water— A Journey to the Heart of Love from Jesus; Joel Wright
The Book ON... and Jesus answers; Joel Wright
Simply Being: One Year with Spirit; Pamela Silberman
Christ in You; Anonymous [Alice Mortley, 1910]
Forever One: Letters from God--You Are Perfect Love; Jerry Hirschfield
Awakening Through a Course in Miracles; David Hoffmeister
Healing In Mind; David Hoffmeister
Love Remembered: An Experiential Journey Through a Course in Miracles; Jesus ben Joseph and Amy A Barrington; Paperback; 2009; $17.95 scribed
Ask Not The Sparrow: Secrets Of A Course In Miracles; Pamela Dresang Schueller; Paperback; 2009; $19.95
Accepting: How to Increase Your Awareness of Perfection; Lee Coit; Paperback; 1997; $7.16
Affirming Miracles (How to use affirmations to change your life); Ann Lasater; Paperback; 1998; $7.95
Awaken to Your Own Call: Exploring a Course in Miracles; Jon Mundy; Paperback; $11.96
Being: How to Increase Your Awareness of Oneness; Lee Coit; Paperback; 1997; $7.16
Bridge to Reality: A Heart Centered Approach to a Course in Miracles and the Process of Inner Healing; Paul Ferrini; Paperback; $12.00
Closing the Circle: Pursah's Gospel of Thomas and A Course in Miracles; Rogier Fentener van Vlissingen; Paperback; 2008; $16.47
Compassionate Living: Everyday Spirituality; Jerome Stefaniak; Paperback; 1995; $14.95
Complete Story of the Course: The History, the People and the Controversies Behind 'a Course in Miracles'; D. Patrick Miller; Paperback; $12.76
A Course in Love: Powerful Teachings on Love, Sex, and Personal Fulfillment; Joan M. Gattuso; Paperback; 1997; $10.40
A Course in Miracles in 5 Minutes; Jerry Sears; Paperback; 1994; $10.36
Creating Miracles: A Practical Guide to Divine Intervention; Ph.D. Carolyn Godschild Miller and Terry Lynn Taylor; Paperback; 2006; $12.78
Daily Meditations for Practicing the Course; Karen Casey; Paperback; 1995; $9.60
Discoveries, Exploration's Dawning: The Beginning of a One Year Journey; David Joy; Paperback; 2000; $21.95
Forgiveness Solution: The Whole-Body Rx for Finding True Happiness, Abundant Love, and Inner Peace; Philip H. Friedman; Paperback; 2010; $11.53
Gifts of the Soul; Laura V. Hyde; Paperback; 1997; $9.9.5
Healing the Cause; A Path of Forgiveness; Michael Dawson; Paperback; 1997; $10.36
Heal the Hurt That Runs Your Life; Bill Ferguson; Paperback; 1996; $7.96
Heart of Healing; Bruce, Ph.D. Davis, Genny Wright Davis; Paperback; 1989; $7.16
How to Heal a Painful Relationship and If Necessary How to Part As Friends; Bill Ferguson; Paperback; 1990; $7.96
In the Spirit of Business: A Guide to Resolving Fears and Creating Harmony in Your Worklife; Robert Roskind; Paperback; 1992; $7.96
Initiation Into Miracles: Footsteps in the Ashes of the Divine; Nigel R. Taylor; Paperback; 2000; $19.95
Inspired by Miracles: On Miracles, Relationships, and Inner Guidance; Dan Joseph; Paperback; 2002; $10.20
Introduction to a Course in Miracles; Paperback; $5.35
Invocations: Calling forth the light that heals; Glass, Jacob; 2000; $13.95
Journey Without Distance: The Story Behind a Course in Miracles; Robert Skutch; Paperback; $7.16
Journey Without Distance; Robert Skutch; Hardcover; 1984; $12.95
Listening: How to Increase Awareness of Your Inner Guide; Lee Coit; Paperback; 1996; $6.36
The Little Book of Miracles: Quotations from a Course in Miracles (Miracles); Hebe Taylor (Compiler); Paperback; $4.76
Long Time No See: Diaries of an Unlikely Messenger; Carrie Triffet; Paperback; 2010; $15.95
Making Peace with God: The Journey of a Course in Miracles Student; Pauline Edward; Paperback; 2009; $17.05
May I call you brother?: messages from a Course in Miracles; Thomas L. Davies; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Message of A Course In Miracles: A Translation of the Text in Plain Language; Elizabeth A. Cronkhite; Paperback; 2010; $44.95
Messages from my higher self; Skutch, Robert; 1982; (Out of Print)
Miracles Are Guaranteed; Bill Ferguson; Paperback; 1992; $8.76
My Ego, My Higher Power and I; Jerry Hirschfield; Paperback; 1993; $12.95
Never Forget To Laugh: Personal Recollections of Bill Thetford, Co-Scribe of A Course In Miracles; Carol M. Howe; Perfect Paperback; 2009; $19.95
Nothing I See Means Anything: Quantum Questions, Quantum Answers; David Parrish MD; Paperback; 2005; $11.53
Primer of Psychology According to A Course in Miracles; Joe R. Jesseph; Paperback; 2008; $14.93
The Sons of God: Teachings from a Course in Miracles; Will McVicar; Paperback; 1998; $10.36
Understanding a Course in Miracles: The History, Message, and Legacy of a Spiritual Path for Today; D. Patrick Miller and Iyanla Vanzant; Paperback; 2008; $10.85
Advice to Doctors and Other Big People from Kids; Gerald G. Jampolsky; Paperback; 1991; $6.36
Art Of Trust: Healing Your Heart And Opening Your Mind; Gerald G. Jampolsky; Paperback; 1994; $11.96
Change Your Mind, Change Your Life: Concepts in Attitudinal Healing; Gerald G. Jampolsky, Diane V. Cirincione; Paperback; 1994; $11.16
Children As Teachers of Peace; Gerald G. Jampolsky; Paperback; 1982; $7.16
Finding Our Way Home: Heartwarming Stories That Ignite Our Spiritual Core; Gerald G. Jampolsky MD and Diane V. Cirincione Ph.D.; Paperback; 2008; $11.66
Forgiveness: The Greatest Healer Of All; Gerald G. Jampolsky; Paperback; 1999; $10.36
Good-Bye to Guilt: Releasing Fear Through Forgiveness; Gerald G. Jampolsky; Paperback; 1988; $9.56
Healing The Addictive Mind; Gerald G. Jampolsky; Paperback; 1991; $10.36
Introduction to a Course in Miracles/Cassette; Gerald Jampolsky, Diane V. Cirincione; Hardcover; $10.99
Listen to Me: A Book for Women and Men About Father-Son Relationships; Gerald G. Jampolsky, Lee L. Jampolsky; Hardcover; 1996; $15.37
Love Is Letting Go of Fear; Gerald G., Jampolsky; Paperback; 1988; $7.16
Love Is Letting Go of Fear; Gerald, Jampolsky; Hardcover; 1991; $44.95
Love Is the Answer: Creating Positive Relationships; Diane Cirincione, Gerald G. Jampolsky; Paperback; 1991; $11.16
'Me First' and the Gimme Gimmes; Gerald G., Jampolsky, Diane V. Cirincione; Paperback; 1991; $8.76
A Mini Course for Life; Gerald Jampolsky, M.D. and Diane Cirincione, and Ph.D.; Paperback; 2007; $10.17
The "Oh Shit" Factor: Waste Management for Our Minds; Gerald G. Jampolsky; Paperback; 2009; $14.95
Out of Darkness into the Light: A Journey of Inner Healing; Gerald G. Jampolsky; Paperback; 1990; $9.56
Shortcuts To God: Finding Peace Quickly Through Practical Spirituality; Gerald G., Jampolsky; Paperback; 2000; $9.56
Simple Thoughts That Can Change Your Life; Gerald G., Jampolsky, Diane V. Cirincione; Paperback; 2001; $10.36
Teach Only Love: The Seven Principles of Attitudinal Healing; Gerald G., Jampolsky; Paperback; 1986; $8.76
There Is a Rainbow Behind Every Dark Cloud; Gerald G. Jampolsky; Paperback; 1988; $7.16
Wake-Up Calls/147; Gerald G. Jampolsky, Diane V. Cirincione; Hardcover; 1992; $10.50
The Answer Is A Miracle; Robert Perry 1998
Bringing the Course to Life; Robert Perry 1999
Glossary of Terms ACIM ; Robert Perry 2005
Guidance-Living the inspired life; Robert Perry 1993
The Illuminated Text: Commentaries for Deepening Your Connection with A Course in Miracles ; Robert Perry 2009
Let Me Remember You: God /ACIM; Robert Perry 1999
One Course-Two Visions; Robert Perry 2004
Path of Light: Stepping into Peace with "A Course in Miracles" ; Robert Perry 2004
Reality & Illusion: an overview of Course Metaphysics ; Robert Perry 2002
Relationships as a Spiritual Journey; Robert Perry 1997(Author)
Return to the Heart of God: The Practical Philosophy of A Course in Miracles ; Robert Perry 2007
Signs: A New Approach to Coincidence, Synchronicity, Guidance, Life Purpose, and God's Plan ; Robert Perry 2009
The Disappearance of the Universe; Gary Renard; Paperback; 2005; $11.09
Your Immortal Reality: How to Break the Cycle of Birth and Death; Gary Renard; Paperback; 2007; $10.17
Love Has Forgotten No One: The Answer to Life; Gary Renard; Paperback; 2010; (coming soon)
An Astonishing Adventure: Bringing a Course in Miracles into Application; Tara Singh; Paperback; $12.95
Commentaries on a Course in Miracles; Tara Singh; Hardcover; $24.95
A Course in Miracles: A Gift for All Mankind; Tara Singh; Hardcover; 1986; $15.95
Dialogues on a Course in Miracles; Tara Singh; Hardcover; 1987; $24.95
Dialogues on a Course in Miracles; Tara Singh; Paperback; 1987; $14.95
A Gift for All Mankind; Tara Singh; Paperback; 1993; $8.00
How to Learn from a Course in Miracles; Tara Singh; Paperback; $12.00
How to Learn from a Course in Miracles; Tara Singh; Hardcover; $16.95
Love Holds No Grievances: The Ending of Attack (Miracle Studies); Tara Singh; Paperback; 1995; $4.76
Love Holds No Grievances: The Ending of Attack; Tara Singh; Hardcover; 1988; $25.00
'Nothing Real Can Be Threatened': Exploring a Course in Miracles; Tara Singh; Paperback; $11.16
Accept This Gift: Selections from a Course in Miracles; Frances E. Vaughan (Editor), Roger N. Walsh (Editor); Paperback; $6.36
Gift of Healing: Selections from a Course in Miracles; Frances Vaughan, Jane Walsh; Hardcover; $10.95
A Gift of Peace: Selections from a Course in Miracles; Frances Vaughan, Roger Walsh (Editor); Paperback; $6.36
Gifts from a Course in Miracles: Accept This Gift, a Gift of Peace, a Gift of Healing; Frances Vaughan, Roger Walsh (Editor); Paperback; $11.96
A Gift of Healing: Selections from a Course in Miracles; Frances Vaughan, Roger Walsh (Editor); Hardcover (Out of Print)
And two important works on her transpersonal views of spirituality
The Inward Arc: Healing in Psychotherapy and Spirituality; Frances Vaughan; Paperback; 1994; $14.95
Shadows of the Sacred: Seeing Through Spiritual Illusions; Frances Vaughan; Hardcover; 1995; (Out of Print)
Shadows of the Sacred: Seeing Through Spiritual Illusions; Frances Vaughan; Hardcover; 2005; $21.95
Absence from Felicity: The Story of Helen Schucman and Her Scribing a Course for Miracles; Kenneth Wapnick; Paperback; $16.00
Arch of Forgiveness; Kenneth Wapnick; Paperback; 2006; $7.00
Awaken from the Dream; Gloria Wapnick, Kenneth Wapnick; Paperback; $10.85
Christian Psychology in a Course in Miracles; Kenneth Wapnick; Paperback; $6.35
A Course in Miracles and Christianity: A Dialogue; Kenneth Wapnick, W. Norris Clarke; Paperback; $7.35
Ending Our Resistance to Love: The Practice of A Course in Miracles; Kenneth Wapnick; Paperback; 2004; $5
Fifty Miracle Principles of a Course in Miracles; Kenneth, Ph.D. Wapnick; Paperback; $6.40
Forgiveness and Jesus: The Meeting Place of 'a Course in Miracles' and Christianity; Kenneth Wapnick; Paperback; 1998; $16.00
Form versus Content: Sex and Money; Kenneth Wapnick; Paperback; 2005; $7.00
From Futility to Happiness: Sisyphus as Everyman; Kenneth Wapnick; Paperback; 2008; $7.00
Healing Power of Kindness, Vol. 1: Releasing Judgment; Kenneth Wapnick; Paperback; 2004; $6.00
Healing Power of Kindness, Vol. 2: Forgiving Our Limitations; Kenneth Wapnick; Paperback; 2005; $7.00
Journey Home: The Obstacles to Peace in a Course in Miracles; Kenneth Wapnick; Hardcover; 2000; $16.95
Life, Death, and Love: Shakespeare's Great Tragedies and A Course in Miracles; Kenneth Wapnick; Paperback; 2004; $21.25 159142142X
Love Does Not Condemn: The World, the Flesh, and the Devil According to Platonism, Christianity, Gnosticism, and a Course in Miracles; Kenneth Wapnick; Hardcover; $25.00
The Message of a Course in Miracles: All Are Called, Few Choose to Listen; Kenneth Wapnick; Paperback; 1997; $22.00
The Most Commonly Asked Questions About a Course in Miracles; Gloria Wapnick, Kenneth Wapnick; Paperback; $9.35
Overeating: A Dialogue: An Application of the Principles of a Course in Miracles; Kenneth Wapnick; Paperback; $2.40
Parents and Children: Our Most Difficult Classroom ; Kenneth Wapnick; Paperback; 2007; $14.00
Psicologia Cristiana En Un Curso de Milagros: Christian Psychology in a Course in Miracles; Kenneth Wapnick; Paperback; $4.00
Stages of Our Spiritual Journey; Kenneth Wapnick; Paperback; 2009; $7.00
A Talk Given on a Course in Miracles: An Introduction; Kenneth Wapnick; Paperback; $7.35
Una Introduccion Basica a UN Curso En Milagros; Kenneth Wapnick; Paperback; $4.00
A Vast Illusion: Time According to a Course in Miracles; Kenneth Wapnick; Paperback; $12.00
The Age of Miracles; Embracing the New Midlife; Marianne Williamson; Paperback; 2009; $10.17
Enchanted Love: The Mystical Power of Intimate Relationships; Marianne Williamson; Paperback; 2001; $10.40
Enchanted Love: The Mystical Power of Intimate Relationships; Marianne Williamson; Hardcover; 1999; $19.20
Emma and Mommy Talk to God; Marianne Williamson, et al; Hardcover; 1996; $10.46
Everyday Grace: Having Hope, Finding Forgiveness, and Making Miracles; Marianne Williamson; Paperback; 2004; $10.40
The Gift of Change: Spiritual Guidance for Living Your Best Life; Marianne Williamson; Paperback; 2006; $10.46
Healing of America; Marianne Williamson; Hardcover; 1997; $16.10
Healing The Soul Of America: Reclaiming Our Voices; Marianne Williamson; Paperback; 2000; $10.40
Illuminata: A Return to Prayer; Marianne Williamson; Paperback; 1995; $9.60
Illuminata: Thoughts, Prayers, Rites of Passage; Marianne Williamson; Hardcover; 1994; $14.00
Illuminated Prayers; Marianne Williamson; Hardcover; 1997; $21.00
Miracles at Midlife ; Marianne Williamson; Hardcover; 2008; $18.96
A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles; Marianne Williamson; Paperback; 1996; $10.40
A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles; Marianne Williamson; Hardcover; 1996; $11.20
A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles (Harperspotlight); Marianne Williamson; Mass Market Paperback; 1994; $5.20
A Woman's Worth; Marianne Williamson; Paperback; 1994; $8.00
Marianne Williamson: Her Life, Her Message, Her Miracles; Elena Oumano; Paperback; 1995; $5.99